© Anthony Osler

Please note:


The information published on this site is believed to be correct but carries no guarantee of accuracy


The products and services described are not endorsed by the site editor: details and listings are for information only

Directory of Local Businesses

Please note: Details are believed correct and are for information only

The site editor gives or implies no recommendation or guarantee

Business Name

Phone Number

Other Information

Contact Names

David N Barker - Local Handyman and General Maintenance

01379 688290

07876 458103

e-mail David Barker

David Barker

Cher - mobile precision haircutter

01379 688116

07881 563303

Cherilyn Metcalf

Eskay Improvements

07877 516939

e-mail Eskay Improvements

Scott Kindleysides

John Hubbard - Motor Engineer - Fysons Farm

01379 687610

John Hubbard

Jonzo Childrens Entertainer and Bouncy Castle Hire

01379 688311

e-mail jonzo

John Rogers

King's Head Pub

01379 688007

e-mail The Kings Head

George and Angie Estcourt

Legal Technology Insider Ltd

01379 687518

e-mail Legal Technology

Charles Christian

Post Office & Shop, North Lopham

01379 687231

Closed Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and for lunch each day (1.30 to 2.30pm - ish!)

Robert Carley

P R Vehicle Repairs (mobile workshop)

01379 687677

07831 104337

e-mail PR Vehicle Repairs

Paul Robbins

Paul Sturman - all types of building work

01379 688234

07788 582452

Paul Sturman

Paul Wright - all types of building work

01379 688116

Paul Wright

Willowdene B & B - High Common

01953 681664

e-mail Willowdene

Alan and Stephanie Franks

If you have a business operating in or around our village and would like your contact details included here, please see the Contacts page

This page updated 27 August 2011