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1. The aims and objects of the Society are as follows:-

(a) to foster community spirit in North and South Lopham;

(b) to encourage participation in village life and events;

(c) to promote awareness of and support for village businesses, activities and organisations.

2. All residents and former residents of North and South Lopham and their environs shall automatically qualify as members of the Society (“Resident Members”).

3. The Society shall be administered by a Committee of at least six Resident Members elected at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to hold office until the next AGM.

4. A Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the AGM from such Committee to hold office until the next AGM.

5. The Committee shall meet from time to time as required but no fewer than three times per year. A quorum shall consist of three Committee members.

6. An AGM shall be held each April when the Chairman shall give a report on the activities of the Society during the past year. The business of the AGM shall include the election of the Committee and its officers. The existing officers and other members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. Any other Resident Member shall also be eligible for election.

Welcome to ‘The Lophams’

In April 2008, the then South Lopham Parish Council Chairman, Peter Coster, suggested to the Annual Village Meeting that it might be a good idea to form a village society to foster community spirit, and to help people in what is quite a spread-out village to get to know their fellow villagers.

This was taken up enthusiastically, a group of volunteers formed a committee, and the South Lopham Village Society was born. The first event was a hog roast and musical evening, which was a great success, despite testing the patience, skills and ingenuity of the volunteers when the spit mechanism for the hog broke down mid-roast!

The Society has gone from strength to strength, and many villagers who had never set eyes on one another are now firm friends. Added to this, it became clear that the Society was getting increased support at functions from residents of North Lopham, with whom we share the use of the Village Hall. Why not join forces, we thought?

At a meeting held at the Kings Head in North Lopham in August 2010, it became clear that there was public support for this, volunteers from North Lopham joined the committee, and, to paraphrase the Spice Girls, two became one! The Lophams Society emerged, blinking, into the sunlight, and the uniting of forces has helped the Society to grow stronger, for the benefit of both villages.

The Society aims to put on four or five functions a year, including a couple of quizzes, music nights, barbecues and fish and chip suppers. Suggestions for functions or other activities are always welcome. The culmination of the year’s efforts is the Christmas ‘Drop-In’ at the Village Hall, where free food, mulled wine and entertainment are supplied for the villagers. These evenings have been very popular and are well attended.

Notification of events is by leaflet drop, and/or notices in The Lophams News and ‘Cock-Crow’, as well as posters in the bus-shelter and elsewhere – keep your eyes peeled for the next event. Membership of the Society is automatic for all current and former residents of North and South Lopham at no cost. Each event is funded with the modest profit made form the previous one.

This Welcome Pack is designed to ensure that all residents, new and old, are aware of the local amenities and organisations, civic and social, and to encourage you to meet your fellow villagers and join in with the social aspects of village life. Volunteers to assist the work of the committee in running the Society and help with events are always welcome, and we hope that you will come to the AGM each year to let us know what you would like the Society to do for the villages (and perhaps join the committee yourself, or at least become a ‘Friend’!).

We hope that you find this booklet useful, and very much hope to see you at the next function.

Simon Dilloway


The Lophams Society

PS – Everyone likes to have a pub in their village, but these days they are disappearing fast – don’t forget to pop into the White Horse in South Lopham, and the King’s Head in North Lopham to enjoy some fine local ales, good food and a warm welcome – Use them or lose them!

Lophams Society Events
