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North Lopham Parish Council

Minutes of Meetings in 2003

17th September 2003

19th November 2003

17th September 2003


Time and Place






Minutes of the Previous Meeting



Matters arising



Planning Applications












There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 19th November 2003 at 7.30pm

minutes 2003

19th November 2003


Time and Place






Minutes of the Previous Meeting



Matters arising



Planning Applications










It was proposed by Mrs. Garnham, seconded by Mr. Carley and agreed by the whole Council that all payments should be made as described.


Precept: After discussion it was proposed by Mr. Pierce, seconded by Mrs. Tate and unanimously agreed that the precept for 2004/05 should be £1900.





There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm

It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 14th January 2004 at 7.30pm

minutes 2003