The meeting was held in the Methodist Schoolroom at 7.30pm on 17th September 2003.
Council Members present were Mrs. J. Tate, Mrs. V. Garnham, Mrs. J. Muncila, Mr.
B. Frith, Mr. R. Carley, Mr. R. Vere.
Apologies were received from Mr. C. Pierce.
Also present were Mrs E. Logsdail (representative of South Lopham Parish Council),
Clerk Mr. A. Rednall, Minute Secretary Mrs. J. Rednall and Mr. M. McManus (member
of the public).
The Clerk aplogised for not having advertised the meeting or signing the agenda.
A letter would be sent to Mr.Pierce wishing him well and a speedy recovery.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
These were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising
The Chairman read letters from Mr. Grimley (Anglian Water). It was decided to use
the Newsletter asking people to phone Mr. Vere about sewerage problems. The Clerk
would write again to Anglian Water asking them to reconsider their views on the sewerage
problems in North Lopham.
It was the unanimous view of the Parish Council that Footpath No 1 should be closed
and diverted to Primrose Lane.
Work has commnced on the School to Church footway. It was agreed that the Parish
Council should ask for a weight restriction on lorries through the village.
Planning Applications
Breckland Council had been asked to review their policy on planning applications
re: making neighbours aware.
3PL/2003/1123/F - Mr. S. Holden - no objections from the Parish Council
A draught map of common land has been received. There is no common land in the area.
It has been decided that the Ashes Farm site will be called Ashes Farm Lane. Mrs
Tate stated that the outfall to the ditch on the Drift is blocked.
Information would be delivered to each household regarding the proposed new Wheeliebins.
Mobile Police vans would be in Garboldisham from 10 to 12noon and in Kenninghall
in the afternoon for one day only.
As the former Responsible Financial Officer was no longer a member of the Parish
Council, Mrs Tate volunteered to fill this position and was unanimously elected.
It was agreed to pay £90 to Mr. Carman for cutting the cemetery.
It was agreed to pay £10 for the hire of the Methodist room.
It was agreed to fill in the precept at the next meeting.
The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Bush for keeping the War Memorial
The Clerk was asked to write to the Highways Dept. asking them to look at the Cherry
Tree hedge as it appears to be getting wider, and also to attend to the condition
of the footpaths as grass appears to be encroaching.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 19th November 2003 at
19th November 2003
Time and Place
The meeting was held in the Methodist Schoolroom at 7.30pm on 19th November 2003.
Council Members present were Mrs. J. Tate, Mrs. V. Garnham, Mr. B. Frith, Mr. R.
Carley, Mr. C. Pierce, Mr. R. Vere.
Apologies were received from Mrs. J. Muncila.
Also present were Mrs E. Logsdail and Mr G. Horan (representative of South Lopham
Parish Council), District Councillor Mr. W. Nunn, Clerk Mr. A. Rednall, Minute Secretary
Mrs. J. Rednall and Mr. M. McManus (member of the public).
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
These were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising
The first phase of the school to church pathway had been completed.
The new houses is Ashes Farm Lane had now been numbered 1 to 3, with the barn being
No. 4.
The Clerk was asked to write to one resident of the Street whose hedge was oergrowing
the pavement
Planning permission progress:
Planning Applications
Mrs. M. McManus - no response had yet been received from Breckland D.C.
North Lopham Church - no objections from the Parish Council.
A letter had been received from Breckland D.C. apparently stating that the application
for development of the Gooderhams site had been withdrawn, but it was later heard
that it was the appeal which had been cancelled and that the application had been
approved after changes to landscaping arrangements. The Clerk was asked to write
to the Planning Dept to express tstrong disapproval.
A map had been received showing options for a new road to the new Norfolk & Norwich
Hospital. The Council felt that route D would be the most appropriate.
The timetable for visits (to Garboldisham and Kenninghall) of the Mobile Police Station
had been displayed in the Post Office notice board.
Mr. Frith outlined progress with the new web-site he was developing and asked all
to submit information to him for inclusion on the site.
There was discussion of the Homewatch Scheme. The Clerk was asked to contact the
Homewatch Coordinator, Mr. Hodge, to ask him to attend the next meeting.
£143.92 to Mrs Aston for the Lopham News.
£6 for the hire of the Methodist School-Room for the Council meeting.
£15 to the British Legion for the Remembrance Day wreath
It was proposed by Mrs. Garnham, seconded by Mr. Carley and agreed by the whole Council
that all payments should be made as described.
Precept: After discussion it was proposed by Mr. Pierce, seconded by Mrs. Tate and
unanimously agreed that the precept for 2004/05 should be £1900.
The Clerk announced his decision to retire in March 2004. He was asked to produce
a draft job description for his office, for consideration at the next meeting.
The Clerk was asked to phone the Environmental Health Dept. about the ditch alonside
the road by Ashes Farm
The Clerk was asked to write to the owners of Pond House to bring to their notice
their obligation to keep the outlet clear from the Mere. It was felt that its present
state could be extremely dangerous for small children feeding the ducks.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 14th January 2004 at