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North Lopham Parish Council

Minutes of Meetings in 2004

14th January 2004

17th March 2004

12th May 2004 (Annual Open Parish Meeting)

20th May 2004 (AGM)

21st July 2004

15th September 2004

17th November 2004


14th January 2004

Time and Place






Minutes of the Previous Meeting



Matters arising



Planning Applications










It was proposed by Mr. Carley, seconded by Mrs. Muncila and agreed by the whole Council that all payments should be made as described.





There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 17th March 2004 at 7.30pm

minutes 2004

17th March 2004


Time and Place






Minutes of the Previous Meeting



Matters arising



Planning Applications












There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

It was confirmed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday 19th May 2004 at 7.30pm (later changed to Thursday 20th May)

The Annual Open meeting would be on Wednesday 12th May 2004

minutes 2004

12th May 2004 (Annual Open Parish Meeting)


Time and Place






Minutes of the Previous Open Meeting (8th May 2003)



Matters arising



Chairman's Report









There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

minutes 2004

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of North Lopham Parish Council

held in the Methodist Schoolroom on Thursday 20th May 2004 at 7.3Opm.

1) Welcome from the Chairman.

2) In attendance were the Chairman, Richard Vere, Vice Chairman, Carlton Pierce, Valerie Garnham, Brian Frith, Joan Muncilla, Jan Tate, Robert Carley and Mike Cox, the Parish Clerk. Mr.McManus was the sole member of the public in attendance.

3) The minutes of the last Ordinary meeting held on the 17th March 2004, and the Open meeting held on the 12th May 2004, were presented and approved unanimously.

4) Matters arising: A brief discussion took place over the previous mention made in the Chairman's report about the no.1 footpath by the school.

            The meeting was told that the letter to Mr Hayward had been delivered to his office by Mr. Nunn regarding the drainage survey.

5) Election of Officers:

·         Chairman: Richard Vere - proposed by Brian Frith and seconded by Robert Carley

·         Vice chairman: Carlton Pierce - proposed by Joan Muncilla and seconded by Brian Frith

·         Parish Clerk: Mike Cox - proposed by the Chairman

·         Responsible Officer: Jan Tate - proposed by Chairman.

·         All posts received unanimously.

6) Planning Applications:

·       The Beeches application was discussed. Points raised included the location of the extension.

·         Correspondence regarding 54 The Street (3PL/2004/0250/F) and 56 The Street (3PL/2004/0249/F) indicated approval.

·         Ringland House extension (3PL/2004/0291/F). A telephone call to Planning revealed this had been approved on the 26/4/2004.

·         Spinney Cottage, 18 The Street (3PL/2004/0279/F). The amended application was approved on 14/4/2004.

7) Correspondence: A letter from Albert Crook was read to the meeting and related to matters including sewage, footpaths and "an open attitude" towards Council business and decisions. Most of these matters have been addressed. A letter of thanks would be sent to Mr. Crook.

            Brian Frith reported on the training day held in April 2004, part of which related to "Declaration of interest by parish councillors". He produced a resume of his understanding of the day and this is appended to the minutes.

8) Accounts: Brian Frith proposed that we pay £10.00 for the hire of the hall for every Council meeting and this was seconded by Robert Carley.

            The Chairman reported that Bridge Farm Tree Services cut the tree at Letchmere blown down in the recent high winds. The fee was a very reasonable £75.00. This has been paid. A further £100.00 is owed to The Callow boys for their involvement in the operation.

            The Insurance is due for renewal on 1st June 2004, a fee of £353.86. This is a few pence more than a £30.00 increase on last year. This was accepted by Jan Tate and seconded by Brian Frith.

9) Date and time of next meetings

            The following dates for future meetings were set (all  at 7.3Opm in the Methodist School Room):

·         Wednesday 21st July 2004

·         Wednesday 15th September 2004

·         Wednesday 17th. November 2004

·         Wednesday 19th January 2005

            There being no other business, the meeting closed at 2lOOhrs.

minutes 2004

Minutes of North Lopham Parish Council meeting held on the 21st July 2004,

in the Methodist Schoolroom

1)    In attendance were Mr. Richard Vere (Chairman), Valerie Garnham, Jan Tate, Brian Frith, and the Parish Clerk, Mike Cox. Mr. McManus attended as a member of the public. Apologies were received from Joan Muncilla and Carlton Pierce.

2)  The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 20th May 2004 were presented and approved unanimously.

3)  Matters Arising:

       Brian Frith updated the meeting on footpaths and footways as previously mentioned. Following a number of telephone calls to Brian Lee at Norfolk Council Highways it was decided that the work on the footways (siding out) would commence the week commencing 26/7/2004.

       Mr. Lee did give some general advice on hedging, foliage etc. that were causing problems.

4)  Planning:


5)  Accounts:

Brian Frith pointed out that the figure he identified at the previous meeting reference the hire fee for the Church rooms was in perpetuity, and not a one-off.

The Chairman asked for approval for certain accounts to be paid. These totaled £936.75 made up of the following:- £55.00, £50.00,£48.00 ( Grass cutting in the Cemetery); £10.00 and £15.00 (Grass cutting Letchmere); £58.75 (Audit Commission); £500.00 to the outgoing Clerk Alan Rednall for one years fee, and £200.00 for the first quarter relating to the new clerk Mike Cox.

6) Correspondence:

(i) Letter from Mr.Grimley received acknowledging receipt of our letter and survey regarding the ongoing sewage problem.

(ii) Letter from Norfolk County Council ref quiet Lanes identifying that work would commence 3 to 4 weeks from the 19th July 2004. This involves the erection of wooden posts at predetermined points indicating the start and finish of those roads. We are fortunate that ours are already in place. Furtherliterature is on its way to make the motoring public aware of how to behave in these areas.

(iji) Letter received from Norfolk County Council Highways referring to Church Road Footway. Clerk to contact Bob Miller to arrange a site meeting*

7)  A.O.B:

Jan Tate reported that a request had been made by Mrs. Daly regarding the acquisition of Duck warning signs from Norfolk County Council*

8)  Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 15th September 2004 at 7.3Opm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 2lOOhrs.

*Contact made

minutes 2004

Minutes of North Lopham Parish Council meeting held on the 15th September 2004,

in the Methodist Schoolroom

1)    In attendance were Mr. Richard Vere (Chairman), Carlton Pierce (Vice-Chairman), Valerie Garnham, Jan Tate, Joan Muncilla, Robert Carley, Brian Frith, and the Parish Clerk, Mike Cox. In attendance was Mr. William Nunn (District Councillor). Mr. McManus attended as a member of the public. .

2)  The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 21st July 2004 were presented and approved unanimously.

3)  Matters Arising:

       The duck signs that were requested are now in place within range of Letchmere.

       A site meeting was held with Bob Skinner (Highways), Richard Vere, Brian Frith and Mike Cox on 27th July 2004 to discuss the issue of the continuation of the footpath between Church Farmhouse and No 1 Church Road. Measurements were taken and these appeared more generous than those which had appeared on the previous plans. To date no other feedback had been received (other than acknowledgment from Bob Skinner and indication that any problems would be the responsibility of the Highways Dept, and not the Parish Council.

       Brian Frith had contacted Highways and arranged for the footways to be restored to their original condition. He had notified residents of the Council's intention to cut back overhanging shrubs and trees. The workmen operated on two of the hottest days of the year and made a very satisfactory job of it. On this occasion no charge had been made for cutting back the greenery, but Mr. Frith suggested that an entry be made in the Lophams News to remind residents that it is their responsibility to maintain hedges etc.

       William Nunn gave the meeting a brief update on the current sewerage problems. He pointed out that the Council have no powers to make the water authority introduce a sewerage system. A short disussion took place on this topic.

4)  Planning:


5)  Accounts:

The meeting was asked to approve the payment of £98 to Richard Vere fro grass cutting at the Churchyard. Approved unanimously. This raised the issue of who should be cutting the grass. Mr. Vere declared an interest but it was pointed out that he was the third person this year to take on the task. Brian Frith suggested that Richard Vere should be asked to complete the work fro the rest of this season and that the post be advertised in time for next year. Agreed unanimously.

The Clerk reported that the current account shows a total of £582.04 balance and the investment account has £3795.17. the acccounts for 2003/2004 will be prepared and circulated to all members within two weeks The returns for the Audit Commission have now been completed and checked by Chris Stringfield, who raised a number of points. These included the way by which we came by our calculations of the annual precept, and the regular monitoring of the accounts through the year, which could be included in the minutes. This would satisfy him when completing the return, which seems to require more detail each year..

6) Correspondence:

(i) Norfolk Accident Rescue Service sent a request for a donation. Sum of £20 agreed unanimously.

(ii) An invitation had been receivedfrom Breckland District Council Group for the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) to attend a meeting on 5th October 2004. The object was to discuss drastic new developments in the way planning is approached. Mike Cox volunteered to attend with the Chairman if he is available.


7)  A.O.B:

The Chairman told the meeting that Churchyard fees had remained static for the past nine years and suggested that we check with local undertakers to guage the fees at other churches in the area. Clerk to research this. The Chairman also raised the issue of levelling graves. Although not urgent this year it may be beneficial to find out how much the gravedigger would charge to carry out this task. At the moment around 15 graves need to be levelled.

8)  Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 17h November 2004 at 7.3Opm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

minutes 2004

Minutes of North Lopham Parish Council meeting held on the 17th November 2004,

in the Methodist Schoolroom

Present were Richard Vere ( Chairman) ,Valerie Garnham, Jan Tate, Joan Muncila, Brian Frith, Mike Cox (Clerk). Mick McManus was the sole representative of the public.

Apologies from Carlton Pierce and Robert Carley.

Minutes of last meeting were presented and signed as a true record. Approved unanimously.

Matters arising

Levelling of graves. The local gravedigger sub-contracting to Anglian Funeral Services and Rosedale Funeral Home has been contacted and is prepared to level the 12 raised graves that fall within the guidelines for £100. Proposed by the Chairman . Approved by full meeting.

Churchyard Fees. The current fees have not been revised and a check with the local undertakers revealed that we had fallen behind.

The Chairman and Clerk produced a revised set of fees and these were presented to the Council. Proposed by Jan Tate and seconded by Joan Muncila.

Planning Applications

Florence Cottage, No. 1. The Green. Approved by Breckland on the 9/11/2004.

Fortunes Well, 93. The Street. A meeting of the Development Control Committee is to be held at Dereham on the 29th November 2004 to discuss this application which was met with some resistance in the first instance. A discussion took place and no-one is available to attend, although Parish Council views have already been reported.


The Clerk reported a balance of £1205.85 in the account, out of which we have to pay a further £400.00 to the Clerk, £60.00 for grass cutting, £134.00+ for the Lophams News and £30.00 for room hire. The grave levelling of £100.00 needs to be taken into account.

The precept was discussed for 2005/6 and broken down as follows:

Grass cutting


Clerks fees


Audit Commission


Room Hire








These figures were based on an increase in the Clerk’s basic salary which were not accounted for in last years figures, an increase in insurance, and a possible increase in grass cutting. An untouched sum in the investment account had a bearing on these calculations also.

Proposed by Val Garnham and seconded by Joan Muncila.

Correspondence: None for discussion.


The Tanns Lane sign has been in a state of disrepair for some weeks and the Clerk reported that a call to Breckland proved fruitful and the sign would be repaired as soon as possible. Asked if it would be possible to have another sign on the opposite side of this road and he was informed this would take place in 6 to 9 weeks. Brian Frith reported that the sign had been repaired, which was only a few days of the phone call.

The meeting also heard that the footpaths between The Beeches and the Kings Head had been trimmed again.

Jan Tate reported that there were signs of what appeared to be foul water near to The Old Cherry Tree. The clerk to contact Mr Grimley at Breckland about this matter and to follow up the progress of enquiries of proposed sewerage scheme.

The Chairman asked if Mr Baskerville could be contacted by letter regarding any progress regarding a weight limit for the village.

Brian Frith asked if future Council meetings could be fixed and the following were agreed:

Wednesday 16/3/2005

Wednesday 11/5/2005

Open Meeting Wednesday 18/5/2005

AGM Wednesday 20/7/2005

Wednesday 21/9/2005

Wednesday 16/11/2005

Date and time of next meeting: 7.3Opm Wednesday 19th January 2005 at the Methodist Schoolroom.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.

minutes 2004