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North Lopham Parish Council

Minutes of Meetings in 2006

18th January 2006

15th March 2006

10th May 2006 (Annual Open Parish Meeting)

10th May 2006 (AGM)

12th July 2006

13th September 2006

8th November 2006


minutes 2006

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18th January 2006


1.      Attendance and Apologies: Present were Brian Frith (Chairman), Jan Tate (Vice-Chair), Val Garnham, Joan Muncila, Graham West, Mick McManus, Robert Carley and Mike Cox (Clerk).  No members of the public were present.

2.      Declaration of Interest: Graham West - Planning application Church House (item 6d).

3.      Minutes of last meeting: Read, approved and signed.

4.      Matters arising:

a)     Jan Tate reported on the siting of two new dog bins and Andy McGranachan from Norfolk County Council has visited the two sites and found no problem, advising us to apply to Breckland Council for a licence. Forms completed and sent off. Clerk to contact Earth Anchor the suppliers of existing bins for price of two bins, which were priced in the region of £110.00 each at August 2005. Proposed Mick McManus and seconded Graham West.  – all agreed.

b)     Drainage scheme – E-mail from Gary Parsons saying that plans for 2008/2010 were still under review to make final decisions on which schemes would progress. More news in a few weeks.

c)     Trees in burial ground – Graham West had investigated and felt that there is no urgency to cut back trees at this stage.

5.      Finance report and Accounts for Payment: Clerk reported that we have received £40.00 for a memorial stone and £70.00 for a funeral since last meeting.

a)     Clerks salary & expenses amounted to £213.57

b)     No grave cutting fees outstanding.

c)     Accounts for payment were £58.75 to Audit Commission although the official approval of accounts has not yet been received. £10.00 hire of Methodist Schoolrooms.  It was proposed by Mr. Carley and seconded by Mrs. Muncila that all accounts be paid. All agreed

d)     The Clerk agreed to contact John Goddard re: payment for the wreath for the War Memorial.

6.      Planning Applications:

a)     West Acres, Tanns Lane – Application to discharge a planning obligation under Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Refused by Breckland.

b)     Boundary House, Harling Road – has been approved.

c)     The Limes, The Street – has been approved.

d)     Church House, Church Road – discussed at local level and Graham West retired from meeting whilst this took place. The meeting approved the application in principle but would have wished that the detailed application for the barn had been submitted at the same time.

e)     J. W. Nunn, Fysons Farm – change of use 3 agricultural/piggery buildings and 1 straw storage to light industrial/storage – no objections at local level.

f)       Crossways, Kenninghall Road – no decision at Breckland yet. Awaiting independent drainage consultant.

7.      Footways, Roads & Footpaths:

a)     Footway patching work outside White House. Brian Frith had emailed Brian Lee to remind him that work had not been done and received a reply stating that Brian Lee had retired and his replacement Steve Williams would investigate.

b)     Drain covers in The Street outside Walnuts – reported on 17.11.05. Mick McManus feels that this work has not been carried out.

c)     ‘No Through Road’ sign at Tanns Lane – requested 17.11.05. No progress to date.

d)     Report on the first meeting with representatives of South Lopham PC and Village Hall committee to discuss the proposal for a footpath linking both villages with the Village Hall. Printed notes from first meeting distributed and discussed.

e)     Brian Frith suggested we should have a ‘Village Spring Clean’ rather on the lines of South Lopham’s litter pick, with less emphasis on litter (because we don’t have much) and more on tidying the footpaths and verges ready for Spring. Suggested date is Saturday 1st April. A notice would be placed in ‘The Lophams News’ announcing the event and asking any volunteers to meet at Letchmere 9.30am armed with stiff brushes, shovels etc. Teams would be allocated parts of the village. Enquiries would be made to try to get the offer of a trailer/skip and dumping ground for the rotten leaves/twigs/spare soil, etc.  Agreed to proceed in principle.

f)       It was noted that the ‘finger posts’ at the Kenninghall crossroads now gave directions to ‘The Lophams’.

8.      Correspondence:  None.

9.      Report of business at South Lopham Parish Council Meeting: Chairman had attended the meeting on 12th January 2005 – topics included presentation from Rachel Leggett (Community Development Officer, Breckland Council) regarding grants available for projects (extracts circulated); new bus shelter project; report of meeting regarding footpath to Village Hall and North Lopham; Brian Frith had raised the issue of irregular bills from R.Nunn (Primrose Lane) – E. Logsdail agreed to contact him. Need to investigate ownership of hedges in Primrose Lane; plans were made for a ‘working party’ to put kerb around the South Lopham War Memorial.

10.  Items for Discussion/Further Investigation: Letchmere – report of the 2nd site meeting with the Norfolk Ecologist and of progress with efforts to establish legal ownership of the pond and surrounding area. Meeting on 11th January attended by Messrs Frith, McManus and West with Ed Stocker (NCC) and Claire Jordan (Mervyn Lambert Plant). Agreed that the idea of dredging the pond and piling waste at the sides would be an option but best to wait until the summer when the level had fallen appreciably. Claire estimated the cost (based on man and machine for 3 days) at around £1000.00. We would need to contact her in the summer, but Council members present agreed to meet well before then to agree work that is needed prior to dredging. BRF suggested letters to one or two local companies seeking sponsorship for the project (only maximum £250 grant available from Ed Stocker). Enquiries with the Land Registry revealed that the pond and immediate surroundings are unregistered land. Mick McManus had supplied information about the original purchase of the land on which Pond House is situated and BRF had tried to make contact with the vendor (from 1984) to check that he has no claim or ownership. Together with other evidence from enquiries made when the village sign was erected over 25 years ago it seems that there really is no owner. We could claim it but this is a very involved process. Meeting agreed to continue the investigation.  It was noted that Ed Stocker had again commented on the adverse effects of the very large number of ducks and urged us to continue efforts to deter people from feeding them.

11.  AOB: Clerk reported that a hole in the road, near to Richmond Electronics caused an elderly gentleman to fall from his mobility vehicle. Serco contacted and this was repaired the same day.

Primrose Lane – almost impassable by agricultural vehicles on the soft road due to overhanging hedges. Clerk contacted Highways 19.01.06 to find out the situation with regard to responsibility for maintenance.

Clerk reported that Serco had cleared the paths in The Street but the residue was left on the roadside and has since found its way back on to the path edge creating a hazard. Serco contacted 19.01.06. and they promised to return to complete the work ‘in a few days’.


Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 15th March 2006 in the Methodist Schoolrooms.


a)      Proposal to install new ‘dog bins’: Bins and siting permission notices received. Mick McManus offered sand and cement for the installation – date to be arranged.

b)     Anglian Water Drainage Scheme: E-mail from Gary Parsons saying: “I anticipate being in a position to fully brief the Council on the project by the time of the Open Meeting in May. I am currently seeking spending approval for the period 2008-2010 and I am confident that North Lopham will be included although I cannot guarantee it at this moment”.

     5.            Finance Report and Accounts for Payment:

a)      Preparation of Accounts for end of year audit: Accounts almost ready for internal audit. Chris Stringfield to be approached as in previous years.

b)     Clerk’s salary and expenses – payment of 3 months salary agreed. Proposed Mick McManus, seconded Jan Tate – all agreed. It was agreed that a full review of the Clerk’s salary should be carried out in time to set the precept for the 2007/2008 year.

c)      Any other accounts for payment – none.

    6.            Planning Applications:

a)      Glan Y Lyn, Tanns Lane – approved

b)     Fysons Farm – approved

c)      Crossways,Kenninghall Road – approved subject to approval of drainage arrangements. Mr Nunn agreed to seek further details. (e-mailed reply received from Andrew Grimley 22nd March)

d)     Church House – deferred.

e)      Beech House – to be heard 03/04/06

7.            Footways, Roads and Footpaths:

a)      Primrose Lane – responsibilities, hedges etc. Councillor Nunn said that responsibilities were not clear but he suggested contacting those responsible for Public Footpaths at NCC. Members raised queries about use of some of the lanes by horses. Chairman agreed to contact NCC. (e-mail sent 16th March, with replies same day – to be discussed at next meeting)

b)     Visit of Steve Williams and Andy McGranachan (NCC Highways) in January. Brian Frith and Jan Tate were present and noted many items including path and road patching work, hidden 30mph sign at Ivy House, damaged verges etc. A case was made for more kerbing especially on the West side of The Street to prevent verges being eroded. This will be submitted for evaluation. New soil has been placed in some places on verges and re-seeding carried out, but Councillors expressed dismay in noting much damage already by vehicles being driven over it. All gullies have been cleaned out. Several areas of ‘patching’ had been completed.

c)      ‘No Through Road’ sign at Tanns Lane – no update.

d)     Plans for ‘Spring Clean Day’, Saturday 1st April 2006 – notice published in Lophams News with a reminder to be placed in the April issue. Brian Frith promised to acquire bags and have trailer at Letchmere for assembling rubbish. Any assistance gratefully received. Brian Frith expressed his thanks for helpful hints from Peter Coster at South Lopham.

e)      Any other comments/problems – concern about repeated flooding at Kenninghall Road just outside the village (repeat of work last year). Brian Frith agreed to contact NCC. (phoned 16th March)

8.               Correspondence:

a)      Correspondence with Geoff Ward re: proposed 96 Bomb Group visit on 20th May 2006. Approx. 26 American visitors (including about 7 veterans) will be visiting the village as planned. At Snetterton in the morning, calling at village Memorial about noon and on to Village Hall for snack lunch about 1pm. ‘Tea/Coffee and light finger lunch’ requested. Val Garnham and Jan Tate agreed to coordinate.

b)     Letter to DEFRA re Village Hall extension – Councillors formally approved the text of the letter that had been sent to DEFRA supporting the Village Hall Committee application for grant aid for their kitchen extension. Committee heard recently that their application had been successful with the award of £15,000 grant.

c)      Letter from Penny Sheppard inviting Councillors to ‘School Sunday’ service at Church on 19th March.

9.         Report of business at recent South Lopham Parish Council meeting, including progress with the North Lopham/South Lopham Village Hall footpath link: New bus shelter about to be ordered (substantial grant available from NCC). Seat in memory of Mr. Alston installed on Primrose Lane – dedication ceremony to be arranged. Rob Webb (S.Lopham Chair) now involved in discussions re footpath – a further meeting to be held soon.

10.       Items for discussion/further investigation:

a)      Letchmere – report of site meeting involving Brian Frith, Mick McManus and Graham West on Sunday 5th March – met to look at high water level (now reduced to ‘correct level’ of outlet pipe) after several attempts to keep pipe clear. Huge amount of debris now visible. Plans discussed re: extending inlet pipe, consulting with tree surgeon for advice about trimming trees and securing funding. Draft letter read to meeting to send to local businesses seeking financial assistance. Brian Frith reported investigations into a range of sources of grants.

11.       AOB:

12.       Date and time of next meeting: The Chairman asked all Councillors to consider the effects of moving future meetings from the 3rd Wednesday of each month to the 2nd Wednesday – this would ensure that copy for ‘The Lophams News’ could always reach Jennie Vere by the copy date (usually 18th of month). All present were in agreement.

It was subsequently agreed that this change should take place starting with the May meeting, thus holding the Annual Open Parish Meeting and the Parish Council AGM on Wednesday 10th May 2006, with the Open Meeting starting at 7.30pm, followed immediately by the Parish Council Meeting.  There would not be a meeting on May 17th, as originally planned.  The following Parish Council Meeting would be on July 12th.  The Chairman would circulate lists of revised meeting dates.


10th May 2006 (Open Meeting)

Minutes of North Lopham Parish Council Open Meeting held on Wednesday 10th May 2006

in the Methodist Schoolrooms.

1.                  Attendance: Present were Brian Frith (Chair), Jan Tate (Vice-Chair), Joan Muncila, Valerie Garnham, Robert Carley, Graham West, Mick McManus and Mike Cox (Clerk). 13 parishioners also attended.

Apologies: William Nunn.

2.                  Chairman’s Report: The Chairman gave a comprehensive report (click here for full text of report) of all activities for the past year and thanked his fellow Councillors (in particular Vice Chair Jan Tate), District Councillor William Nunn and Clerk Mike Cox. He also thanked members of the public who helped in the ‘Village Tidy’, Richard and Jennie Vere for their help with background information, grass cutting and the Lophams News (and all other associated with The Lophams News) and John Bush for his attention to the War Memorial.

3.                  Mains Sewerage Scheme: Chairman read an email from the Asset Development Manager from Anglian Water, which identified that mains sewer should be in operation by April 2010.

4.                  Letchmere: Brian Frith detailed investigations and enquiries made to date. The considered conclusions had been posted on the Village notice boards. The Pond Review Team now has 7 members and Gareth Walters and Tom Holtgreve had volunteered to assist. The general consensus of opinion was that the duck population would have to be drastically reduced, although Mr. Baker said that he would not like to see all of the ducks removed. It was suggested that we explore the RSPCA having already contacted the RSPB. Signs have been placed at the pond edge asking the public not to place excessive amounts of food for the ducks as most of this sours the water, as it remains uneaten. John Tate offered to introduce suitable plants to the pond when required.

5.                  Weight Limit: Several residents expressed concern at the large number of HGV’s using the village as a through route, and asked the Parish Council to raise again the issue of a weight limit for ‘non-access’ vehicles. There was also concern regarding speeding vehicles to the northern end of the village. Clerk to contact Norfolk Constabulary.

6.                  Footpaths, Roads and Footways: These were discussed at length and thanks to cooperation of several landowners many improvements have been made although some of the footpaths led to nowhere as they were unmarked further from the village. Brian Frith has compiled a list of all matters requiring attention and promised to email relevant authorities.

Those parishioners present thanked the Parish Council for all their efforts during the past year, particularly in respect of the improved appearance and use of the notice boards and regularly updated web-site ( ).

The full text of the Chairman’s Annual Report and of the extensive notes on the situation with regards to Mains Sewerage and the Letchmere are available from the Clerk (Mike Cox), the Chairman (Brian Frith) or by clicking the links.


10th May 2006 (AGM)

Minutes of North Lopham Parish Council AGM held on Wednesday 10th May 2006 in the Methodist Schoolroom, North Lopham following the Open Meeting.

1.            Attendance and Apologies: Present were Brian Frith (Chair), Jan Tate (Vice-Chair), Joan Muncila, Graham West, Val Garnham, Mick McManus, Robert Carley, Mike Cox (Clerk). Apologies William Nunn. One member of the public was in attendance.

2.            Declaration of Interests: None.

3.            Minutes of last meeting 15th March 2006: Read, approved and signed.

4.            Matters arising (other than those listed separately): None.

a)            ‘Dog bins’- installation date set for 1830hrs Thursday 11th May.

b)            Visit by 96th Bomb Group Association set for Saturday 20th May – Jan Tate & Valerie Garnham to arrange catering at the Village Hall. Richard Vere had agreed to greet visitors.

5.            Election of Officers: Mike Cox took the Chair.

a)            Chair – Brian Frith re-elected unanimously.

b)            Vice-Chair – Jan Tate re-elected unanimously.

c)            Responsible Financial Officer – Mike Cox re-elected unanimously as this is function of Clerk.

6.            Financial Report and Accounts for Payment:

a)            Clerk produced financial report reconciled by Chris Stringfield. Mr Stringfield thanked for his assistance. There were no queries.

b)            Grass cutting – Richard Vere had made two cuts since last meeting and these accounts have been paid.

c)            PC contribution to Pond Renovation project – Brian Frith suggested allocation of £600 from the reserves to be the Council contribution if required (dependent on extent of any further donations or contributions). Proposed Jan Tate, seconded Mick McManus. All agreed.

d)            Any other accounts for payment – Village Hall booking for 20th May £15.00, Methodist Room hire £15.00. It was suggested that the fee for Methodist Room hire had not been changed for some time and that this be increased to £15.00 per meeting. All agreed.

7.            Planning Applications:

a)            Springfields, Kenninghall Rd – Approved.

b)            Church House, Church Street – Refused (Conservation problems).

c)            The Beeches, The Street – Approved, subject to legal draft regarding the annexe.

8.            Footways, Roads and Footpaths:

a)            Correspondence re: Footpaths and lanes around the village. David Mills (County Footpaths Officer) reports Primrose Lane is a designated highway (though not maintained). The lanes to the west of the village beyond Kings Head Lane are not official footpaths or bridle ways. Mr Mills offered to join a meeting to look into the possibilities of changing status.

b)            ‘No Through Road’ sign at Tanns Lane. Brian Frith to email Highways with this and other points raised at the Open Meeting.

9.            Correspondence: None.

10.        Any Other Business:

a)            Review of Burial Ground Regulations: An application had been received for the installation of an unusual headstone. The Chairman had consulted with Rev. Mellowship to seek out rules that would apply if the Burial Ground was maintained by the Church.  It was suggested that a paragraph be added to our regulations stating that we would be guided by the Diocesan Rules, in view of the fact that the Burial Ground is adjacent to the Church. After a very lengthy discussion and a vote it was decided to include the new paragraph in our regulations. The application for the unusual headstone was refused and the Clerk would advise the applicant to modify the design.

Date and Time of next meeting: Wednesday 12th July 2006 at 7.30pm.


12th July 2006

North Lopham Parish Council

Draft minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 12th July 2006 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Schoolroom, North Lopham.


·         Dog Bins – Jan Tate reported that Mick McManus, Mike Cox and herself had installed two bins. A problem had arisen with the siting of one outside Mr. & Mrs. Brunning’s home. They raised an objection to the location and a subsequent meeting was held with Highways to try to find an alternative location nearby. This process is likely to take a number of months.

·         96th Bomb Group visit 20th May 2006 – Brian Frith gave a report on the visit. He thanked all those who organised the reception (Jan Tate, Val Garnham, Joan Muncila and Nancy Reeder) and Richard Vere for welcoming the Group. Those helping declined any remuneration for food etc. A letter from the Group was read out, thanking all those who made their visit run smoothly and said that this included some photographic memories.

·         Letchmere – The Chairman reported on the progress. Trees have been cut, pipes extended and dredging is to start soon. A team of 12 willing volunteers (parishioners and PC members) attended on 1st July and placed about 150 sandbags to support the extended inlet pipes. Thanks were expressed to all who gave their time so generously. Brian Frith also reported on conversations with the RSPB, RSPCA, English Nature and Wildlife Trusts on the subject of reducing the population of ducks.  All agencies agreed that stopping feeding would, eventually, help achieve this aim – but there was a range of opinion on the extent to which other methods (removing eggs, pricking eggs, culling etc) could be used as this would depend upon the extent to which the ducks could be considered ‘domestic’. Graham West indicated that he would not be in favour of a complete removal of the ducks.

·         Burial Ground Regulations – The Chairman produced a proposal to clarify the Burial Ground Regulations with regard to the positioning of flower receptacles etc, to bring the regulations more into line with the Diocesan Rules. This was amended to include reference to the fact that the regulations would apply ‘in the grass cutting season’. It was proposed by Mick McManus and seconded Val Garnham that the amended regulations be adopted. All in favour. Brian Frith had recently visited the cemetery with Richard Vere and felt that a number of the trees and shrubs were in need of pruning. Richard Vere had recently injured his head on overhanging branches. A discussion took place and it was agreed that a quote from Bridge Farm Tree Services for £172.50 be accepted.






Wednesday 13th September 2006 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Schoolrooms.


13th September 2006

North Lopham Parish Council

Draft Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 13th September 2006,

at 7 pm in the Methodist Schoolroom, North Lopham

1.            Attendance and Apologies: Present were Brian Frith (Chair), Jan Tate (Vice-Chair), Val Garnham, Joan Muncila, Graham West, Mick McManus, Robert Carley and Mike Cox (Clerk). Also in attendance were Gary Parsons (Anglian Water), Peter Coster (South Lopham Parish Council) and twelve members of the public.

2.            Declaration of Interest: None.

3.            Anglian Water Presentation: Before the commencement of the normal meeting Gary Parsons from Anglian Water gave a presentation on the progress of the forthcoming sewerage scheme linking with Kenninghall. Mr. Parsons identified that there would be a detailed survey early to mid 2007, with a booklet produced in mid 2008. Autumn 2008 should see Anglian Water on site with completion planned for December 2009. There were very searching questions with satisfactory replies. Mr. Parsons did explain that it would not always be necessary to follow the road, as many septic tanks are located in rear gardens. A resume of the presentation appears on both the Post Office and Kings Head notice boards together with a map. The Chair thanked Mr. Parsons for his input.

4.            Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of meeting held 12th July 2006 read, approved and signed.

5.            Matters arising:

·         Dog bins – Jan Tate reported on the current situation with the dog bin located at the School end of the village. A suggestion that the existing bin be moved to a location on the same side of the road but the other side of the School met with opposition. In the meantime the bin remains in situ. There had been no further contact from ‘Street Scene’ with regard to dog-fouling notices.

·         Progress with Letchmere Dredged late July, just before the rains started. Mud now drying off ready for levelling/seeding. Attempts by John Tate to introduce some plants thwarted by large number of ducks. Outlet being kept clear - temporary grille in place. Thanks to Michael McManus who helped Brian Frith to investigate the blockage in the drain from outlet partway down Tanns Lane and after excavation provided new pipe etc, so that it now runs free. ‘Fun Day’ at Kings Head on August 22nd was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way, but especially to Rena for hosting the event, Gareth who did so much “pulling it together” and doing a fantastic job with the barbecue, Chris Stringfield who distributed the publicity, Jennie Vere and Bridget and John Home for the raffle and plot sponsorship, the band all other stall holders etc. It looks as if the net proceeds will be in excess of £763.00. An application is in preparation for an “Awards for All” Grant to provide seats, fencing, notice boards etc.

·         Burial Ground Regulations – Revised regulations are now on display.

·         Document folder circulation -The first circulation has taken place with some comments.

·         Wall at Burial Ground – The Clerk has made contact with the party that damaged the wall who has agreed to pay for repair if his insurance company do not honour the claim following a lengthy delay. A further estimate will be obtained owing to the fact that no work has taken place.

6.            Finance report:

·         Clerks Salary - £200.00 plus purchase of files.

·         Bridge Farm Tree Services (Trees at Burial Ground) – £202.69 including VAT

·         Richard Nunn – Cutting Primrose Lane: £141.00 including VAT

·         Richard Vere – Grass cutting at Burial Ground - £64.00

·         Work at Letchmere – invoices for trees and concrete have been paid, as agreed earlier. No invoice yet from dredging contractor.

·         Hire of Methodist Schoolroom - £15.00

All but the grass cutting approved, objection by Mick McManus because he feels that a small section of the cemetery has not been cut. The Chair agreed to pursue this.

7.            Planning Applications:

·         Linden House, 10 Kings Head Lane and Fysons Farm have all been approved.

·         An application for two semi-detached dwellings on the plot adjoining 77 The Street has just been submitted with objections from the Parish Council. Previous permission had been given for one dwelling.

8.            Footways, Roads and Footpaths:

·         Weight limit update – e-mail from John Hunter saying that this was being investigated but no further information yet.

·         Church Road footway – confirmation that the extension of the path past Church Farmhouse is in the estimates for the current financial year and that work is scheduled to start in January 2007.

·         Any other comments/problems – Mick McManus raised the point that a number of the manhole covers in The Street had not been attended to.It was pointed out that the Callows had cleared the nearside ditch in Kenninghall Road exiting the village.

9.            Correspondence:

·         North Lopham Charities – renewal. Mr. Walter Vernon, the Parish Council nominee, sees his term of office up for renewal in October and is prepared to remain. Proposed Graham West, seconded Joan Muncila. All agreed.

·         96th Bomb Group – offer of film/slide presentation. Geoff Ward has made this proposal and asks if there is any interest.  All agreed.  Brian Frith to try to arrange date.

·         The Clerk pointed out that Chris Stringfield had checked the finances and again for his usual fee (nothing) and suggested that a donation be made to the Church. Jan Tate proposed that £20.00 be made payable to the Church, seconded Robert Carley. All agreed.

10.        South Lopham Parish Council meeting:

The Chair asked if anyone was available to attend the meeting on 14th September 2006 but no-one was available.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 2025hrs.


8th November 2006

Draft minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 8th November 2006

at 7.30pm in the Methodist Schoolroom, North Lopham


·         Mains sewer: There were no comments from the floor or Parish Council members.

·         Dog bins: There had been a meeting with Mr. & Mrs. Brunning to discuss alternative sites. Some ideas being pursued with Highways but some members thought that the present siting should remain.

·         Dog Fouling: Literature received from ‘Streetscene’ provides limited information on Dog Fouling.

·         Letchmere: The fence had been repaired and more warning notices displayed. It was anticipated that topsoil (donated by Mr. Sturman, and carted by Mr. Rednall) would be in place soon, ready for levelling over the winter and seeding in spring. The ‘Awards For All’ application was almost ready. Formal approval was given by the Council to go ahead with application.

·         Wall at Burial Ground: Paul Wright has stated that he would effect repair to the cemetery wall to make it safe, at no charge providing the Parish Clerk assists. Thanks were expressed to both parties, in anticipation of the work being done.

·         Grass cutting at Burial Ground: Brian Frith reported that he had cut the long grass referred to in previous minutes. A letter had been received from Richard Vere declaring his intention to cease cutting the cemetery graves at the end of the season.

·         96th Bomb Group Film Show – No date yet, will try to arrange in spring.



Permissions granted:

·         Plot of land adjacent to 77 The Street (2 semi-detached houses)

·         80 The Street

·         The Beeches. The legal process has now been completed regarding the granny annexe.

·         A further application has still to be returned to the Clerk (Sherbourne, Church Road).


The ‘No Through Road’ sign at Tanns Lane needs cementing in as it has been lifted out of the ground. Clerk to pursue this as well as the manhole covers in The Street.


8.         Future arrangements for grass cutting at Burial Ground: Having received notice that Richard did not wish to continue, an early request for another grass cutter was included in Lophams Newsletter. Depending on response, we may need a small advert in Diss Express and/or to contact all the ‘gardeners’ who advertise in the Cock Crow to see whether any of them wish to tender. Decision to postpone until January 2007.

9.         Correspondence:


10.       South Lopham Parish Council meeting: Some discussion of footpath at the Fen and of the new bus shelter. Brian Frith hopes to attend tomorrow’s meeting.

11.       A.O.B.: Walter Vernon raised a point regarding the lack of signs to Crown Poultry causing confusion for HGV’s who mistake Tanns Lane for the road leading to the premises. Clerk to pursue Highways.

12.       Date and Time of next meeting to be held Wednesday 10th January 2007

            at 7.30pm in the Methodist Schoolrooms.
